Friday, September 23, 2016

7 Facts You Probably Don’t Know About Hearing Aids

When you picture a hearing aid, what comes to mind? If you’re visualizing the bulky behind-the-ear model your grandfather wore, you’ve got some catching up to do! The hearing aid industry has improved exponentially in the past decade. Devices are smaller and more powerful than ever. The following list highlights some of the enhancements that have been made in recent years, as well as other surprising facts.

1.      Wearing hearing aids can be beneficial to your mental health. The use of hearing aids can help prevent cognitive decline. When left untreated, hearing loss can lead to depression, withdrawal and anxiety.
2.      They make virtually invisible models. Some manufacturers have created implantable listening devices. These hearing aids are inserted into your ear canal, making them completely invisible to others! Even the more traditional styles have become nearly impossible to see.
3.      Some hearing aids are waterproof. The hearing aid industry has developed waterproof and water resistant models, which allow for greater freedom when engaging in water-based activities.
4.      Many devices are equipped with Bluetooth. Most of the higher-level hearing technologies are now able to sync with your external devices. This makes it easier to converse on the phone and listen to music.
5.      Hearing aids can improve your balance. Your ability to hear has an impact on your balance. Even a mild loss of hearing can increase your chances of fall-related injuries.
6.      Only 1 out of 5 people who could benefit from a hearing device actually wears one. Though hearing health plays an integral role in your overall well-being, many individuals choose not to treat their hearing loss. Some wait up to seven years before seeking treatment.
7.      Devices can adapt to your surroundings. The days of over-amplified background noise are in the past. Multidirectional microphones are able to detect important sounds, such as voices. Additionally, you can program multiple settings to accommodate different environments.

Hearing aids are more advanced now than ever. With so many options available, those suffering from a hearing impairment are able to find hearing aids suited to their specific needs. For those who may have older devices, you may benefit from hearing aid repair or tuning. For more information, schedule a consultation with your local Houston audiologist or contact our office at (832) 495-4277.

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