Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Choosing the Best Houston Audiologist for Hearing Evaluation

Hobbies are great! Nothing beats finding something you love to do and being able to share it with other like-minded individuals. For many in the Houston area, hunting is the go-to hobby. Many learned how to handle a riffle while in the backyard with their dad shooting at old tin cans. That love you felt as a child has carried through into adulthood. You may even be passing on the tradition to your kids or grandkids!

Unfortunately, years of hunting in the Houston area with no ear protection usually leads to hearing loss. Do you find yourself asking people to repeat what they just said more than normal? What about turning the volume up on the TV to a point where others have to ask you to turn it down? Having trouble hearing while talking on a telephone? If so, you may be experiencing hearing loss.

Never fear! Your local area Houston audiologist is here to help! Once you take the plunge and call to schedule an appointment, they will bring you in for a hearing evaluation. This involves a series of tests that are used to determine your type and degree of hearing loss. This is important information as your audiologist will use this for the next phase, treatment!

There are a number of treatment options. The most common is use of a hearing aid. Easier said than done. There are an ever growing number of hearing aids with different styles created by different manufactures. Your Houston audiologist is able to help you with this decision, determining which hearing aid would work best for your degree of hearing loss and if any additional features you may require will be able to fit on that model. 

In addition to help choosing your hearing aid, your Houston audiologist will review ways you can prevent your hearing form getting worse. This includes always wearing hearing protection, especially while hunting. 

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