Have you ever been to the dentist (or orthodontist) and had
an impression taken of your teeth with that sticky goop? Makes sense,
everyone’s teeth are different and your dentist needs to have an exact mold in
order to create an apparatus that fits snugly. If a dentist will do this for
teeth, why don’t audiologists do this for your ears?
They do! Audiologistsin Houston, Texas can take a mold of your ear for a number of reasons. Many
hearing aids require a custom earmold in order to sit securely in your ear.
Earmolds can be used as protection as well. Swimmers, hunters and musicians can
all benefit from custom-made earmolds. Earmolds for swimmers are made of lightweight
and waterproof silicone material to ensure they float and no water can enter
your ear while swimming. Hunter’s earmolds are created to block out dangerously
loud gunshot noises while at the same time letting softer sounds in, ensuring
your ears are protected and you can still maintain awareness of your
surroundings. Earmolds for musicians are able to reduce sound levels evenly, so
music and speech sound clear and not muffled. This allows the musician to hear every
detail of the music but also reduces the risk of noise-induced-hearing-loss.
While some earmolds can be used for used for very specific
purposes (such as swimming), custom earmolds can also be purchased for general
hearing protection. Going to concerts, attending a sporting event and even
walking on the side of busy street in Houston are all situations that put you
at risk for developing noise-induced-hearing loss. A pair of custom earmolds
can provide protection against all of these.
Earmolds come in many different shapes and sizes. They can
be made of acrylic, vinyl and silicone. Acrylic molds are the hardest material;
they are resistant to breakage and are the easiest to repair. But they lack
flexibility, which means they are difficult to place into a small ear
(especially a child’s ear). Molds made of vinyl are made from polyvinyl
chloride (PVC) and are softer than acrylic molds but sturdier than silicone.
They produce a better seal but can become misshapen over time. This means they
need to be replaced more often. Silicone molds are the softest and most
flexible. They produce the tightest seal and are extremely durable. They are
also difficult to insert in the ear because of how soft they are and can rip
The only way to figure out the type of earmold that will
work best for you is to discuss the options with your local Houston
audiologist. They are the experts!